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Solar Water Pumping System
Most of the household in the rural area of State have inverters which charge their batteries for the mains (grid supply) and use the same during power cut.

Solar Water Pumping System
The Department of New and Renewable Energy has implemented a scheme to provide solar water pumps to the farmers in the state. The broader objectives of the scheme is to provide farmers by providing a reliable, eco friendly, cost effective and sustainable power source of irrigation thereby, reducing the dependency on Conventional Energy Sources. The scheme too aims to reduce the recurring subsidy expenditure of State Government for providing electric power to the tube well in agriculture sector and simultaneously reduce the recurring expenditure on purchase of diesel by the farmers operating diesel pump sets and minimize environment pollution.
- The farmers who have adopted the protected cultivation, horticulture activities and drawing water from farm ponds with micro irrigation techniques shall be given priority i.e. these farmers who have applied before the closing date of application would be considered first and then the application of rest of the farmers would be considered for draw of lots.
- In case, the number of applicants is more that the allocated target for the district then the systems shall be provided to the farmers on the basis of draw of lots to be Chaired by the concerned Additional Deputy Commissioner after the closing date of receipt of applications (to be decided and wider publicity for the same shall be given by the respective ADCs).
- The beneficiaries who have already covered under the scheme during the past seven years, shall not be allowed to get another pump irrespective of its capacity/location.